
Menampilkan postingan dari Agustus, 2021


  PolkaParty – a platform for DeFi, DAO and many other exclusive features. Have you ever gotten frustrated in crypto when you couldn't make the same "profit" as your friends, colleagues or even next door neighbors, because of your inability to understand all these DeFi terms!? PolkaParty is made for you, as this platform allows users to get access to all DeFi features (swapping, liquidity provisioning, yield farming, NFT, etc) just by joining one party!  Our goal is to create an easy-to-use and user-friendly experience that allows anyone to enter the party, chat with members, and be rewarded for group efforts.  We've found in our research that there are growing barriers to entry to understanding the technicalities of using certain DeFi features.  Our solution was to create a platform that allows anyone to create or join a party with friends, family and most importantly DeFi veterans, navigating a landscape of endless profits from smart decisions.  You will no lo...


  THE WORLD'S FIRST AUTONOMIC RESULTING KEYFUND TOKEN WITH A DEFlation MECHANISM The APY average is very heavy, causing permanent loss of agricultural product liquidity providers.  With the DeFi boom, we've seen too many new cryptocurrency miners get sucked into the trap of high LPY farms, feeling hopeless that they were pushed out by previous buyers in exchange for higher stakes.  we've all been there, seeing that shiny 6-digit number can be tempting to enter. However, almost all tokens experienced an inevitable increase in valuation, which was followed by a decrease in price.  this is why we can see mass adoption of gifts, which is known as concept reflection. AUTOMATIC LIQUIDITY POOL (LP) Auto LP is KeyFund's secret sauce.  Here we have a function that acts as an implementation which is doubly beneficial for the holder. The contract will suck the tokens from the seller and the buyer, and will add it to the LP to create a solid base price. Penalty acts as an a...


  KEYFUND TOKEN HASIL OTONOM PERTAMA DI DUNIA DENGAN MEKANISME DEFLASI Rata-rata APY sangat berat, menyebabkan kerugian permanen penyedia likuiditas produk pertanian. Dengan booming DeFi, kami telah melihat terlalu banyak penambang cryptocurrency baru yang tersedot ke dalam perangkap pertanian LP APY tinggi, merasa putus asa karena mereka didorong keluar oleh pembeli sebelumnya dengan imbalan taruhan yang lebih tinggi. kita semua pernah ke sana, melihat angka 6 digit yang mengkilap itu bisa menggoda untuk masuk. Namun, hampir semua token mengalami peningkatan valuasi yang tak terhindarkan, yang diikuti oleh penurunan harga. inilah mengapa kita dapat melihat adopsi hadiah secara massal, yang dikenal sebagai refleksi konsep. KOLAM LIKUIDITAS OTOMATIS (LP) Auto LP adalah saus rahasia KeyFund. Di sini kita memiliki fungsi yang bertindak sebagai implementasi yang bermanfaat ganda bagi pemegangnya. Kontrak akan menyedot token dari penjual dan pembeli, dan akan menamba...


  Xircus Project Overview WHAT IS XIRKUS? Xircus is the new digital live events platform from Fleet Events.  With intelligent xircus technology , we combine the added value of real encounters with the nearly limitless possibilities of a new digital world .  With xircus every event becomes a digital experience.  Participants are there in person in the digital space and experience the congress or trade show practically up close.  An event broadcast in real time via live streaming is transferred to the digital circus platform.  Lectures, workshops, specialist exhibitions, music, live cooking and many other formats can be experienced by visitors in the digital space.  There are many opportunities to exchange ideas, network and participate interactively .  For the organizers, HOW DOES IT WORK? A xircus event can be reached immediately and easily from anywhere in the world: a solid technical infrastructure, a stable internet browser and digital tickets ...